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Dating Over 40: It’s NOT a Re-Do

Dating Over 40: It’s NOT a Re-Do

In our latest episode of HOT for Your Health, Dr. Vonda Wright sat down with serial entrepreneur Gerianne DiPiano, CEO and founder of FemmePharma to discuss Femme Pharma Solutions for Sexual Health. And as a bonus, find out Ms. Dipiano’s thoughts on dating over 40…


If you find yourself dating from age 40 and beyond, whether you’ve been single, widowed, or divorced, it can be overwhelming to re-enter the dating world in order to find the connection and intimacy you desire. But the desire for intimacy doesn’t just disappear at a certain age. In fact, it shouldn’t. Data suggests that healthy relationships and regular sexual activity is necessary to our overall sense of well-being and longevity.

Dating in Your 40s - Data suggests that healthy relationships and regular sexual activity is necessary to our overall sense of well-being and longevity

But the prospect of dating when you’ve been out of “the game” for some time, can seem so foreign. Add new trends, ever-changing technology, and the possibility of sex and it becomes even more intimidating.

The most important thing to remember about being in “the game” is to have fun.  After a few considerations about your health and safety, don’t forget to enjoy your dating experience.    

New Normal

With the “new normal” being WFH (work from home) and Zoom gatherings, we face another added barrier to dating. Luckily there are plenty of sites dedicated to meeting others online. There are even sites dedicated for singles 35 and over, such as Elite Dating. 

Staying Safe

In any new relationship, it’s important to do your research. It’s not strange (and highly encouraged) to check out social media profiles, mutual connections, credit rating, etc. before meeting somebody in person. Anyone can be who they want to be online; your safety is your first priority. 

Always notify at least one person of your plans and have an escape plan if you need to remove yourself from the situation. 

Get Tested!

(No, not for Sexually transmitted infections (STI), we’ll talk about that later!)

Once you feel comfortable meeting up with someone in person, both parties should discuss where they have recently traveled, who they have been in contact with, and when it would be appropriate to meet up after they both receive a negative COVID test. 

Staying Safe 2.0 

The risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease doesn’t disappear after a “certain age”. Sexually transmitted infections (STI) among older adults have dramatically increased in recent years, especially among those who are widowed and divorced. 

Condoms are a solution to preventing STIs, but can be quite irritating and can also lessen sensation as we get older. It is worthwhile to consider all forms of protection including STI screenings for both partners. 

Dating in Your 40s - To enhance the ease and comfort of sexual activity use a vaginal moisturizer daily - not just before sex.

The Time Has Come

You’ve been preparing your face and legs daily with creams and lotions. Your lady bits should be no different. The area around the vulva, vagina, and anus are especially vulnerable. To enhance the ease and comfort of sexual activity use a vaginal moisturizer daily – not just before sex. When you are ready for intimacy it is likely to make everything work a bit more smoothly. FemmePharma’s personal lubricant and vaginal moisturizer, Satisfaite, comes in a prefilled applicator that also helps with dilation. 

Time to Get Back in the Game

You’re wiser and more experienced than ever before. Using this to your advantage can make dating in your 40s not only more fun but more successful than dating in your younger years. But, time is a precious commodity and there’s little value in investing emotional or physical energy in a relationship that doesn’t bring you enjoyment. Knowing when to part ways and making it as amicable as possible on both parties will make the experience much easier. 

Recognize the Signs

It is important to understand the difference between not being happy in a relationship and being stuck in a potentially dangerous situation. If you have experienced violence or harassment in a relationship, that is unacceptable. Recognizing the signs of domestic violence and abuse is important for your health and safety. 

Contact the national domestic violence hotline if you feel you’ve been impacted by domestic violence- as they can help you and perhaps prevent the problem from happening to someone else.


Dating Over 40: It’s NOT a Re-Do Gerianne DiPiano

Gerianne Tringali DiPiano serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of FemmePharma and is Chairman of its Board of Directors. A pharmaceutical industry executive and women’s healthcare expert, Gerianne founded and launched several companies in women’s healthcare.

She launched FemmePharma Global Healthcare in 2005 to address conditions, disorders, and diseases that disproportionately affect women. Her passion for developing new treatment methods for healing has given hope to millions of women. Guided by her vision to provide more effective treatment options for women, FemmePharma Global Healthcare, Inc. is focused on improving women’s health by developing prescription pharmaceuticals that are specifically designed for women across a broad range of therapeutic categories.

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