17 Exercises To Jump Start 2017!
Happy New Year! With the change of the calendar year, we can often be inspired to create change in ourselves and our lives. New Year’s resolutions are a perfect opportunity for a fresh start. A study from the Journal of Clinical Psychology compared people who made resolutions on January 1 to tackle their goals and those who decided to create change without a New Year’s resolution. Those who started their work on the first of the year had a 46 percent success rate after six months, whereas those who didn’t make New Year’s resolutions only had a 4 percent success rate.
So start now. Begin 2017 on the right foot and, if your goals include better health and fitness, these 17 simple moves you can do at home can jump start your progress and build the foundation for change. Look for these moves and more information on transforming your life and your health in the Guide to Thrive: Four Steps to Body, Brains and Bliss and Fitness After 40: Your Strong Body at 40, 50, 60 and Beyond.
Hip Rotations
Put your hands on your hips and stand with your feet together. Raise one leg up at the hip in front of you and rotate it out in a circle, then lower it. Reverse the move by raising the leg again and rotating it back in front of you. Repeat with your other leg.
Monster Walk
To feel the burn in your thighs and backside, try the monster walk. Wrap a resistance band just above your ankles. Place your feet at shoulder-width distance, put a slight bend in your knees and engage that core. Maintaining tension with the resistance band, take a small step to the side with one foot and follow with the other. Move ten steps to one side and ten steps back.
The plank and its variations are wicked ab workouts. Men’s Fitness claims that planks strengthen your whole body as well, developing strength and tone in your core, back, arms and glutes. To get into the basic plank, start in pushup position, but instead of arms straight, bend at the elbow and rest your weight on your forearms in front of you. Align your body from ankles to shoulders, pull your belly button towards your spine and hold, remembering to breathe, for 30 seconds. The stronger you get, the longer you can go.
Side Plank
Side plank is a twist on your basic plank. This move will target your obliques, firming your core from the sides. Lie on your side and raise yourself up on one elbow, resting your weight on your forearm and the side of your lower foot. Pull yourself up, making sure your body is in a straight line and your hips aren’t dipping down. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Side Plank with Leg Raise
Want to kick your side plank up a notch? While you’re balanced on your forearm and foot, raise your top leg as high as you can. Hold for the standard 30 seconds, increasing your time as you increase your strength.
Prisoner Squat
Make 2017 the year you get the booty you’ve always wanted with the simple yet effective prisoner squat. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and put your arms straight out in front of you. Bend your knees, keeping them aligned above your ankles, and lower your butt until it’s parallel with your knees. Be sure to keep your chest up and your weight in your heels. Raise yourself back up and feel the burn.
Push Ups
Push ups may not be a ton of fun, but they’re a great way to tone your chest, triceps, biceps and core all in one go. Remember to keep your body in a straight line from shoulders to ankles as you bend your elbows until your chest is level with them. Don’t let your hips sag!
Sky Reach
The sky reach is going to improve mobility in the upper back. Set your feet shoulder-width apart, bend at the knees and lower your chest towards the floor by bending at the hip. Rotate your chest, reaching one hand towards your feet and the other towards the ceiling as high as you can. Feel the rotation in your torso and the stretch between your shoulders. Return to center and repeat on the other side.
Backward Lunge and Twist
With this move, you’ll get a nice trunk twist with action that will build strength in your core, butt and quads. Lower your body into a lunge by stepping back with your right leg, keeping your torso upright and your left knee over your left ankle. While you sink into your lunge, rotate both arms to the right, twisting your trunk. Step back to your starting position and repeat on the left side.
McGill Curl
Start your McGill curl by laying down flat on the floor. Place your palms under the small of your back for support and raise your head and shoulders, keeping your chin up and being careful not to engage your lower spine. Exhale on your way up and inhale as you lay back down. The McGill curl, named after spinal researcher Dr. Stuart McGill, was named the “World’s Best Crunch” by Men’s Health. Because you’re supporting your low back and avoiding strain on your lower spine, the McGill curl can prevent a lot of the pain associated with your standard abdominal crunch.
Russian Twist
Another twist on your typical crunch that can prevent lower back pain and injury is the powerful Russian twist. With your knees bent and your feet flat, sit on the floor with your torso at a 45 degree angle. You should already start feeling your abs engage. Extend your arms with your palms together and rotate your torso, arms outstretched, as far as you can from side to side, pausing in the center each time.
Hip Crossovers
Hip crossovers build strength and core stability while giving your spine a nice little twist. Lay on your back and raise your hips and knees until your legs make a 90 degree angle off the floor. Extend your arms out at your sides in the shape of a T. Keeping your shoulders on the floor and your eyes on the ceiling, drop your legs to the right. Bring it back to center and repeat to the left.
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s an exercise to strengthen your upper back and core! To get strong like Superman, lay on your stomach with your arms outstretched. Raise your arms and legs at the same time, flying like a superhero. If you feel any crunching in your back, bring your extremities down a bit.
Young Daniel from the Karate Kid had the Crane. You have the stork. Standing with your feet slightly apart, engage your core. Keep your arms at your sides and raise one leg with bent knee off the ground. Maintain this position for at least 30 seconds. Alternate sides. This is a great move to do while you’re washing dishes, brushing your teeth, talking on the phone or just standing around. Make the most of your time.
Short Arc Wall Squat
All you need for this move is a wall. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and put your back against the wall. Engaging your core, slide you back down the wall until your knees make a 90 degree angle. It sounds easy, but this move is sure to make your abs burn and your thighs engage. Want to advance the wall sit? Raise your arms above your head.
Dying Bug
Your lower core and hip flexors will thank you for doing the dying bug. Lay on your back with your arms above your head, fingertips toward the ceiling and your right knee bent to 90 degrees. Lift your outstretched left leg off the ground about 12 inches, making sure not to let your back sway. Lower your leg and repeat on the right.
Fire Hydrant
It might be a strange visual, but think of yourself as a dog at a fire hydrant. Get down on all fours, keeping your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Keeping your back straight, raise your right leg to the side with your knee bent. Straighten your leg back until it’s in line with your torso. Set it down and repeat on the left.