Your Just Rewards!
“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” –Vincent Van Gogh In the past few months, you’ve performed the very hard work of getting…
May 10, 2017 -
Fitness After 40 Rumors
Rumor Has It… Somewhere along the line, rumors started. I can’t keep up, I’m getting old, I’m slowing down, I can’t exercise with my bad back. The list goes on. Whichever Negative…
May 9, 2017 -
Who Says Older Means Weaker?
Older, Not Weaker You may believe that growing older includes an inevitable decline from vitality to frailty. However, I know many people who would strongly disagree. Those people include… Professional athletes over…
May 9, 2017 -
Your Strong Body at 40, 50, 60 and Beyond
A tale as old as time! My goal as a doctor is to change the way we age. Why is that? Because I know that the age-old concept of getting weaker as…
May 8, 2017 -
Is It Actually Harder to Lose Weight as You Age?
While some visible changes due to aging are inevitable, like wrinkles or grey hair, one superficial factor – your weight, specifically weight gain in your forties and fifties – doesn’t necessarily depend…
May 3, 2017 -
How To Balance It All
Don’t fall … Into believing you can skip this part of your health. You may think, “Hey, my balance is just fine. This isn’t for me.” Wrong! The truth is that your…
May 1, 2017 -
A Vision of Your Bright Future
Today is the day that we start to crank it up a notch! You are committed at this point, so now you are ready for more challenges more often! Continuing from here,…
April 23, 2017 -
Intense Exercise: The Best Anti-Aging Strategy?
We say it all the time here at Women’s Health Conversations: Aging is optional. There’s no good reason not to get better as you get older: stronger, fitter, smarter, as well as…
April 10, 2017 -
5 Exercises to Strengthen the Back
Just because you’re growing older and wiser doesn’t mean you have to let back pain stop you from enjoying a robust, active lifestyle. It is true, however, that sitting at a desk…
March 23, 2017 -
“Move” Series Part 4: Younger In 8 Weeks Workout – Weeks 4-7
Weeks 4 through 7 of the Younger In 8 Weeks workout plan introduce strength training into your routine. In addition to your Sunrise Stretch, Dynamic Warmup and cardio training, adding moves to…
March 20, 2017
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