Fun Women’s Fitness Plans for the Woman who “Hates Working Out”
If the phrase “women’s fitness plan” makes you want to scream, then this blog is for you. Mobility is so vital for our bodies and minds as we age, but we get…November 28, 2020 -
10 Ways Going Sober Can Improve Your Mental and Physical Wellbeing
There has never been a better time to prioritize your mental and physical wellbeing. Lockdowns are starting up again and bringing another level of stress and anxiety with them. It’s hard to…November 3, 2020 -
Addressing Women’s Fitness in the New Normal: How to Get Your Health Goals Back on Track
As we’re writing this, it is October 2020. For as many unexpected and inexplicable changes as this year has brought, it’s hard to believe that we’re already on the tail end. Dominoes have…October 12, 2020 -
Why You Should Follow Your Gut – Gut Microbiomes and Their Link to Good Health
There are more bacterial cells in your gut than stars in the Milky Way or human cells in your entire body – it’s no wonder that we turn to our gut feeling…
August 13, 2020 -
Eastern vs. Western Medicine
There’s a big movement with integrative and holistic medicine right now. More and more people are opening their minds to the idea that perhaps modern or Western Medicine is not the only…
August 8, 2020 -
What Millennial Women Want
In 2016, Dr. Vonda Wright teamed up with Natalie Bencivenga and Campos Research to form “action groups” to study what millennials want concerning healthcare. In this article we ask the question to…
June 30, 2020 -
Self-Care Strategies for Coping with Stress
And relax. Easier said than done. Quarantine has forced us to stay at home, yet relaxing has proven to be an unexpected difficulty. According to Google Search Trends, searches for self-meditation techniques,…
June 14, 2020 -
The Surprising Truth Behind Bone Density and Running
It’s a well-established fact that when it comes to fitness, running can be beneficial to your brain, and can rival meditation in its effects on mood, mental clarity, and focus. But what…
May 12, 2020 -
6 Health Benefits that Will Make You Want to Take the Stairs
Taking the stairs is something that is more easily said than done. Sure, we could all opt to scale the seven or eight flights of stairs to our office building every morning.…
April 23, 2020
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