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“Move” Series Part 2: Younger In 8 Weeks Workout – Week 2

Week 2 of the Younger In 8 Weeks Workout builds on everything you’ve established in the Sunrise Stretch from Week 1. This week is all about getting into the habit of warming up your body to prepare for activity. Taking a few minutes before you engage in physical activity to stretch will prepare cold muscles for use and increase your range of motion and flexibility during the workout that follows.

You’ll also tackle some easy cardio this week. This is where you get to really have some fun and experiment. Take on any kind of moderate cardio that you’d like. Try something new or return to an old favorite. The goal here is just to get you up and moving a few days a week. Complete your 10 to 12 minutes of cardio at a pace at which you could still carry on a conversation, not one where you’re hardly pushing yourself or one where you’re working so hard you can barely breathe.

You’ll begin each day with the Sunrise Stretch to get up and moving. Two to three times a week, complete the Dynamic Warmup followed by a cardio workout of your choice.

Sunrise Stretch

Before you dive into the new material in Week 2 of the Younger In 8 Weeks workout, go through the Sunrise Stretch established in Week 1. Begin each day with the series of simple stretches.  The Sunrise Stretch and the Dynamic Warmup you’ll learn here will follow you throughout the entire program, preparing your body for each workout along the way.

Trunk Rotation

Stand with your feet hip-width distance apart. Bend your arms in front of your chest with your fists raised like a boxer. Slowly rotate your torso from left to right. That’s one rep. Do 10.

Leg Swing

Stand next to a wall or a chair that you can use for balance. Hold onto it lightly with your right hand. With your left foot flexed, swing your left leg from front to back. Make sure you’re keeping your toes pointed forward and lifting from your pelvis so you’re not dragging your foot as you swing. That’s one rep. Do 10 reps on each side. Keep your torso still.

Hip Rotation

Stand with your feet together, lightly holding onto a wall or chair for balance. Raise your left leg up, knee bent, in front of your body. Use your core strength to balance. Rotate your leg out to the left and back in a circle. Make 10 of these circles and then switch to your right leg. Repeat on the right side 10 times.

The Activator

The Activator is really going to get your blood pumping and your body warmed up. Stand with your feet hip-width distance apart. Slowly bend from your hips and place your hands flat on the floor a few inches in front of your feet. If that’s not accessible to you right now, put a bend in your knees to reach your hands to the ground.

Walk your hands forward until you’re in a pushup position. Your body should form a straight line from your heels to the crown of your head. Walk your feet in to meet your hands as close as you can get them. This is one rep. Continue on to your next rep by walking your hands out and then bringing your feet up to meet them again. Complete eight reps before you move on to cardio.


For Week 2, cardio can be any cardiovascular activity of your choice. Run, walk, bike, swim, skip, jump rope – anything! Go at a moderate pace for 10 to 12 minutes. If a cardio workout is already part of your routine, you can stick to that, just incorporating the Sunrise Stretch and Dynamic Warmup beforehand. Make sure you’re taking three to five minutes to slow your pace and cool down when you’re finished.