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“Move” Series Part 1: Younger In 8 Weeks Workout – Week 1

The workouts in the Younger In 8 Weeks Plan are presented week by week, growing in intensity as you get stronger and more fit. The “Move” segment of the book is designed to build muscle and boost your metabolism. There are movements for cardio, strength-training, flexibility and balance, so your workouts are well-rounded to help you slim down and tone up.

Working out regularly can have a host of benefits for your health, like curbing your cravings for crappy food and reducing stress. All you have to do is start. Don’t strive for perfection; push towards progress. Before you know it, you’ll be acing the moves and your body and health will show the difference.

The workout for Week 1 is a simple Sunrise Stretch to warm you up and get you moving. If you’re not naturally a morning person, this five to ten minute routine will wake your body and mind and prepare you to face the day ahead. You don’t even have to take off your pajamas – just make sure you’re barefoot to get the best grip.


Lie facedown with your hands parallel to your rib cage. Rest your forehead on the floor (or the bed, if you have a firm mattress). Keep your legs together and your toes pointed, pressing the tops of your feet into the floor as you lengthen your legs, reaching all the way back through your toes. Press evenly through your hands as you pull your elbows close to your rib cage.

Using your back muscles and not your arms, lift your head and chest. Slide your shoulder blades down your back, lengthening the space between your ears and shoulders. Hold this position as you take three to five deep, even, long breaths. Gently lower yourself, placing one cheek on the floor. Repeat two or three times, alternating the direction you lay your head between lifts.

To make the move a little less intense, keep your elbows and forearms on the floor when you lift your head and chest. Make sure your elbows fall directly beneath your shoulders.


Position yourself with hands and knees on the floor or a firm bed. Line your hands up directly below your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips. Keep your spine neutral and your head in line with your spine, eyes on the bed or floor a few feet in front of you.

On an inhale, look up, lifting your tailbone and dropping your belly toward the floor, arching your back slightly. Pull your shoulder blades down your back, bring your heart forward and keep your shoulders open. This is cow pose.

As you exhale, round your back, pulling your belly button toward your spine, dropping your chin to your chest and tucking your tailbone under, stretching your back like a cat. Repeat, alternating between cow and cat about 10 to 15 times.

If this sequence is too difficult, make the movement smaller and don’t arch and round your back as much. You can also do this move while standing, with your hands on your bed or a dresser.

Squat & Reach

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width, toes turned out slightly. Bend at the knees and lower yourself into a squat, palms pressed together in prayer pose. Hold the squat for three to five deep, even breaths.

Slowly straighten your legs until you’re halfway to a standing position. Reach your right arm over your head as you lean to the left. While you’re stretching, don’t allow your hips to turn as you reach overhead. Keep them square to the front and take three to five deep breaths. Lower yourself back into the squat with your hands pressed together again. Hold for three to five breaths.

Repeat the movement, stretching with your left arm over your head as you lean to the right. Repeat the series once more, stretching on both sides. To make the movement a little less intense, don’t squat as low. Focus on the stretch you should be feeling through your side body.